EN_Lựa chọn nhà cung cấp máy bán hàng thông minh

Doing business with smart vending machines is a wise choice of many individuals, retail households or investors. Looking for a reputable smart vending machine supplier is always a common concern when starting a business idea. But first, let's find out the criterions for deciding a suitable partner.

Determining your development strategy

As with starting any type of business, determine and focus on your goal. You’ll want to clarify where your goal is, your financial capacity, your operation is broad or narrow before jumping into running a vending machine business.

Once you understand the direction of your business and there’s a viable opportunity to succeed, you will find a suitable vending supplier and the method of getting into the industry.

Another criterion you should not forget when choosing a supplier is the quality and function of the machine. There are many different special features and capabilities available include: touch screens, payment methods, information ads and entertainment games,... etc. However, the machine must always ensure the process of sales, money changes smoothly to minimize any issues may happen.

The standard of smart vending machines

It’s critical to thoroughly research criterions like these before diving in, you will need to look up the necessary information related to the product such as origin, feedback from people who have been using smart vending machines. Since you realize a good smart vending machine which will not only affect its sales success but also bring better experience to consumers.

Choosing a reputation smart vending machine supplier

What criterions a vending machine supplier will meet:

Vending suppliers of domestic and foreign enterprises are plentiful . Once you have found a list of suppliers that match your criterias, it's wise when you scrutinize again the preferentials policy of the owner. This may help you save capital investment costs.

Preferential policies and promotions 

  • Must have a registered physical street address.
  • Do possess experiences in the vending industry.
  • Have professional staff understanding the product.
  • Provide good service such as warranty and after-treatment for customers.

Dropfoods meets all of those and will be a reliable choice for you in Ho Chi Minh City.

Provide Good Maintenance and Customer Service

As with any enterprise, success in the vending machine business means providing good customer service. You will be supported by enthusiastic staff who will also give you best advice and help you find suitable solutions for your financial ability and business goals in the long run.
Therefore, choosing the right supplier with a good customer care policy will bring you not only many benefits but also more secure when starting up.

The scope of warranty

Although smart vending machine is easy to use, transportation and maintenance is complicated. Especially the related technical issues are a big deal if you cannot find a supplier with a good warranty. These machines need periodic care to keep clean, in good repair and fully stocked.

The scope of warranty will give you the following benefits:

  • Get maintenance and repair service right at the machine installed locations.
  • Schedule visits to the locations regularly and be present as soon as possible when the vending machine has any problems.
  • Provide a preferential product repair cost and a good customer service policy.
  • Instructed on how to maintain the machine directly from the technician.

Additionally, you should think about a supplier offering free delivery and install the machine where you want, which will save you transportation costs and shipping time.

Finding a reliable supplier of quality smart vending machines is not a simple matter, but everything will become easier once you have held the above. Dropfoods is willing to support you!

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